Maria A. Miraglia

The Chalice  

No one knows
if the sacred narrative is
like the church fathers
tell us

Collected events
from too distant a past
reported by rumors
that speak of hell and heaven
of Cain and Abel
of the Magdalen
the snake and the apple

Everything suggests
imaginary stories
For foolish and gullible people
Told in an archaic language
The modernity refuses 
to understand

But when on the altar
the chalice rises
bow the bystanders their heads
In a holy silence

His presence
in the echo of time

Life And Death

I crossed the time
among mists cold winters
and sun-drenched mornings
observed the blue skies
where stars smiled at each other
from afar
saw flocks of birds arrive
from distant lands
and leave when the leaves
began falling down
admired red sunsets
and pearly sunrises
quickly following each other
and get lost
in the night of the time

New lives have crowded
the streets of the world
like multicolored flowers
blooming in spring
and many peter their vital energy
like glowing candles
oblivious of their consumptions
in the very act of their burning

How many more the seasons
that will come
of how many of them
will I still admire the colors
and smell the scent
until the Angel of Death comes
and snatches me from life

It's for a long time
his journey began
since my first cry
in the welcoming arms
of my mother

will his step be slow
or fast will he ride 

his black steed
@ Maria Miraglia


Lying down in a meadow
in the warm spring sun
or on the top of mountains
in front of you an endless landscape

Upon you a clear sky
stained with white
clouds moving slowly
light as birds feathers
the wind shaking the leaves
of old trees

Small colored florets
scattered here and there
emanating delicate scents
while hearing cheerful sparrows
chirping in the air

Everything tells you
of His Presence
the birds' melodies
the flowers perfume
the movement of the wind
enveloping you in His warm embrace

You don't need temples or churches
it's not in high enclosed walls
of gold and precious stones
you can find the divine
He is in the air you breath
in the children's gaze
on the wrinkled faces of beggars
sitting at the street corners 
just look at things around
with your inner eye
@ Maria Miraglia-

Dr Maria A. Miraglia is born and lives in Italy. She is an educationist, bilingual poet, translator, essayist and ministerial lecturer for English language teachers. For a long time, an active member of Amnesty International and several other peace organizations. She is the Literary Director of the P. Neruda Association and a member of several international editorial boards. She has received a lot of international awards. Recent her election as a member of the European Academy of Science and Arts of Salzburg. Her latest work is Colourful Butterflies, also edited in her native language.

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