Snigdha Agrawal

Unwed Mother

In two minds 
to tell or not tell 
both would tilt the scales 
not in her favour 
scared to hell 

Would be chastised 
Told to pack her bags 
Leave home
find another place 
Had transgressed

Anyway, how long 
could she hide 
life growing inside 
A one-night stand 
Landed her in a mess 

Plucked up courage 
Confessed to sins 
of the flesh 
Begged for forgiveness 
Would they soften?


Two Pigeons 
looked distressed 
Someone had 
visited their nest 
emptied it 
of eggs laid 
"Let's go and 
report the theft 
to the police station"
Pidgeons agreed 
would be the best

A raven sitting 
on a nearby branch 
fluffing it's feathers 
watched his friends 
all ears listening 
to their conversation 
pondering whether 
to tell and risk 
friendship broken

'Friends...I need to confess. 
I'm the cause of your 
empty nest. I crashed 
into it and found my 
lunch staring at my face.
Couldn't resist the temptation 
Gobbled up all four of them'
So, saying hung down 
his head in shame.

Shocked out of their wits 
Pigeons cried out 
"betrayer... betrayer...
you're a scavenger 
couldn't you find 
your lunch elsewhere 
instead of chewing 
on our eggs"


Maureen decided to 
bake a cake 
for her son Shawn's birthday 
he never wanted 
pleaded for Pizza instead 
and a tub of mint ice cream 
his favourite

"Come on, this will be 
a lot of fun, if we do 
it together" Maureen 
Shawn reluctantly nodded 
going about breaking 
the eggs, leaving inside 
pieces of shell  
when Maureen's back 
was turned

Out from the oven 
the freshly baked cake 
sat on the table 
ready to be eaten
Maureen offered the first 
slice to Shawn
He clamped his mouth
Maureen asked 
"What happened?"

Shawn confessed 
"I'm sorry, the cake 
is inedible.  I left 
eggshells and added 
salt to it" 
Maureen smiled 
compelled to give 
in to Shawn's request 
Mother and son 
ordered the Pizza 
and cold dessert.

SNIGDHA AGRAWAL is a Bengali born and raised in a cosmopolitan environment.  Educated in Loreto Institutions, with an MBA from IGNOU, New Delhi, she has worked in the corporate sector for over two decades.  This has broadened her outlook on life as reflected in her writings. She writes in all genres; poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues, hotel, and restaurant reviews. A published writer of two books of poems, and a book of short stories for children, her fourth book of short stories recently published is for all mindsets… from the conservative to the radical. She is a regular contributor to anthologies/online magazines, published in India and the USA. A septuagenarian, second to writing is her passion for travel.  Her travel diaries are accessible in the WordPress blog randomramblings52.  A reviewer on Tripadvisor, she posts under the pen name ‘puchka’. 

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