Salomeea Romanescu

Confessions Key To Heaven


Confessions, like a balm, can soothe the soul,
And cleanse the wounds that fester in the heart;
With courage, one can make the dark thoughts whole,
And from the guilt and shame, one can depart.
The act of confession can bring release,
A chance to share the burden of one's mind;
A sacred moment, a moment of peace,
A chance to seek forgiveness, and be kind.
For in this act of baring all one's sins,
One can find solace in the holy light;
And though the path of life may still have spins,
The soul will shine with purity and might.
So, let us all embrace this cleansing art,
And seek redemption with a humble heart.


Confessions, like a key, can open doors,
And let the light of truth shine through the cracks;
A chance to heal, to make amends, and more,
A chance to break the chains that hold us back.
The act of confession can bring release,
A chance to lay the secrets of the past;
A sacred moment, a moment of peace,
A chance to let forgiveness come at last.
For in this act of humbling oneself,
One can find strength in the divine embrace;
And though the journey may be long and tough,
The soul will feel the warmth of heaven's grace.
So, let us all embrace this brave new start,
And seek forgiveness with a contrite heart.


Confessions, like a bridge, can bring us close,
And help us find the common ground of love;
A chance to mend the wounds, to heal the blows,
A chance to reach the stars, and rise above.
The act of confession can bring release,
A chance to break the walls that keep us apart;
A sacred moment, a moment of peace,
A chance to heal the wounds of mind and heart.
For in this act of bearing all one's shame,
One can find hope in the compassion's light;
And though the path of life may still have blame,
The soul will shine with love and with delight.
So, let us all embrace this loving art,
And seek reconciliation with a loving heart.


Oh, how my heart weighs heavy with remorse,
As I confess my sins, both big and small.
I pray that God will help me stay the course
And lead me safely through life's winding hall.
My mind is filled with doubts, and yet I know
That only by admitting what I've done
Can I seek penance, let my spirit grow,
And strive to be a better man at dawn.
For it is not in hiding that we find
The path to peace, forgiveness, and release.
We must confess the darkness in our mind
And offer up our souls to God's sweet peace.
So let me lay my burdens at His feet,
And with a humble heart, my sins repeat.


Confessions, like a balm upon the soul,
Can lift us up and help us see the light.
For when we lay our sins before the whole,
We banish doubt and make our spirits bright.
No longer must we hide in shame and fear,
But face the truth with courage and resolve.
And though the road ahead may still be drear,
We know that we have found the key to solve.
For in confession, we can find release,
And lay our burdens at our Savior's feet.
We can embrace God's love, and feel His peace,
And know that we are made again complete.
So let us not be afraid to confess,
For in our weakness, we can find our best.


Oh, blessed Savior, hear my humble plea,
As I confess my sins, both great and small.
I pray that you will help me to be free
And lift me up when I am bound to fall.
For I am weak, and often lose my way,
And in my doubts, I fear that I am lost.
But in confession, I can find the ray
Of hope that comes at great, eternal cost.
So let me lay my burdens at your feet,
And know that I am loved, and always will.
For in your grace, I find the mercy sweet,
That heals my soul, and makes my spirit still.
And though the road may still be long and hard,
With you, dear Savior, I will play my part.

Confession At The Altar

At the altar, I kneel down to pray
To confess my sins, to cleanse my soul
And to find a way to make whole
The broken pieces that went astray.
I hold my breath, close my eyes tight,
And begin to speak the truth inside
To admit my faults, to swallow my pride,
And to ask for forgiveness with all my might.
I confess the lies, the secrets I keep
The wrongs I’ve done, the pain I’ve caused
The hurt I’ve felt, the bridges I’ve crossed
And the tears I’ve shed as I weep.
But at the end of it all, I feel lighter
For I know I’ve been heard, I’ve been forgiven
And I can start anew, I can begin
To walk the path that’s brighter.
So I rise from my knees, my heart now free
And I face the world with a renewed sense of me.
 Confessions of a Sinner
I am but a sinner, lost in my ways
Living a life that’s filled with sin
I wander through life without discipline
And often find myself in a daze.
I know the path that I must take
But it seems so hard to follow
My heart is filled with fear and sorrow
And I fear it’s all a mistake.
But I must confess my wrongs
And ask for forgiveness from above
I need to fill my heart with love
And to sing a new song.
So I kneel before my Lord
And lay my burdens at his feet
I pray for mercy and retreat
And to be once more restored.
I feel the weight lift off my soul
As I confess my sins with all my heart
And from the darkness, a new light will start
And I can once more be whole.
 Confessions of a Doubting Mind
I confess to you, my Lord, my doubts
And the fears that fill my mind
I question your existence, your kind
And often wonder what life’s about.
I ask myself, does God exist?
Or is it just a figment of my mind?
I struggle to leave my doubts behind
And often feel lost in the mist.
But I know I must have faith
And trust in you, my Lord
I need to find my own accord
And to follow in your grace.
So I bow before your throne
And lay my doubts at your feet
I pray for guidance and to meet
Your love that I’ve never known.
And though my doubts still linger on
I feel your love shining through
And I know that I can trust in you
And to you, I will always be drawn.

Confession Of The Soul

In sacred space, on Easter morn I stand
Apostle, penitent, and worshiper too
Apostate of the past, post-human brand
Confessing crimes and seeking mercy true.
The essence of Stalinism's Caesarism
And the Resurrection of Christ my creed
Blasphemy may be the first criticism
Of the path my soul has come to lead.
Yet, how can I judge God with my frail mind?
Perhaps He knows more than my meager thoughts
Plans beyond my comprehension find
Ways to save the lost, sinners and their fraughts.
Let me confess my alienation, pain
And seek redemption, let God judge and reign.
Confession of the Sinner
I hold a candle, lit, and in my hand,
A sinner standing in this holy place,
My life, a book of transgressions, I stand,
In God's presence seeking mercy and grace.
I know my crimes, my wickedness, and sin,
And humbly beg for forgiveness and peace,
And with each prayer and tear, I begin
To find release, my troubled soul's release.
This postmodern world, so cold and devoid
Of faith and love, of morals and compassion,
Has left me lost, bereft, and paranoid,
Lost in a world of sin, with no passion.
Yet, I have found this sacred space, this light,
And in confession, found my way to flight.
Confession of the Faithful
The modern world has left God behind
And left us lost, our souls in disarray
But in this sacred place, we hope to find
The path to God, the true, the only way.
We hold our candles, lit, and in our hands,
Our faith in God, the Resurrection, strong,
Our hearts full of love, our souls in bands,
We join our voices, sing the Holy Song.
We confess our sins, our faults, and our fears,
And seek redemption, peace, and unity,
Our faith in God, the balm that soothes our tears,
And guides us through this world's insanity.
We are the faithful, seeking God's embrace,
In this confession, we find our true grace.

Confession of a Postmodern Man
In this sacred space, I stand
Apostle of the essence of Stalinism
A zealous confessing worshipper
Of Christ’s resurrection, at the same time
Blasphemy is the first thought that crosses
How can God allow him to stand, with a lit candle in his hand?
The perfect image of the "new man" - postmodern, post-human
How can the earth not collapse beneath his feet?
But these questions, I realize, are my own
Judging the Almighty with the measure of my frailty
Maybe He knows what He is doing
Perhaps He has a plan beyond my understanding
If God desires not the death of a sinner
But their redemption, then somewhere, sometime, somehow
The first step must be taken, maybe
The step of entering the church, lighting a candle, and holding it high
Perhaps the light of Christ will penetrate
The darkness and hatred that have consumed
The mind and soul of this monstrous criminal
It is not my job but God's to judge him
Instead, I focus on what I understand
The world I find myself in has abandoned God
It has given everything to Caesar and nothing to Him
Because there was nothing left to give
The journey of decay, through which man
Moved away from God, and ultimately banished Him
Began not recently, but thousands of years ago
When the essence of the divine Word was forgotten
Reduced to a non-sacred, human status
Of mere "text", the essence of the Word was lost
Why did mankind relentlessly pursue this path?
Hypotheses abound, but one answer is clear
The fragile nature of man, made from dust
Bearing the divine spark within him
Was too weak to carry the burden of this world
It weighed us down, hindered us, and held us back
And so, we cast it aside
Like a bag left at the side of the road
We move on, unencumbered by its weight
But there is another path, one that follows
The solution offered by Christ himself
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's
A clear division, one that demands a choice
What belongs to Caesar is clear
What belongs to God is not so easily defined
But to follow this path is to carry the weight
Of the divine spark within us, to embrace our divine nature
It is not an easy path, but it is one worth taking
For in doing so, we may find redemption and salvation.
A blasphemy, they say, to speak the truth,
To bare one's soul and lay it at God's feet,
To tell the secrets of one's misspent youth,
And seek forgiveness for each foul deceit.
But is it not a greater sin to hide
The dark, the ugly, and the shameful parts,
And let them fester, silently inside,
While feigning innocence with pious hearts?
Confession is the salve that soothes the soul,
The cleansing balm that heals the wounded heart,
The key that sets the prisoner parole,
And gives the sinner a fresh, guiltless start.
So let us not fear to confess our crimes,
And trust that God will pardon us in time.

The sacred space, the church, the Easter Mass,
The candle in Putin's hand, burning bright,
The perfect image of the "new man" class,
Postmodern, post-human, the zealot's light.
Confessor, apostle, penitent, devout,
Of Stalinist Caesar's criminal essence,
And Jesus' Resurrection, without doubt,
Your faith in both defies all common sense.
Blasphemy, they say, to question God's plan,
To judge the Almighty with human measure,
But in your words, I see a desperate man,
Seeking redemption, atonement, and pleasure.
May God forgive your sins, and cleanse your heart,
And in His grace, give you a brand new start.

The road to perdition is well-trodden,
And many have lost their way, I confess,
The modern world has left God forgotten,
And given Caesar all that they possess.
But some have found the path to salvation,
Through faith, humility, and selfless love,
And in their hearts, they carry the passion,
To spread the Word of God, like Noah's dove.
Confession is the first step on that road,
The recognition of our fallen state,
The turning point, where we shed our heavy load,
And open up to grace, and love, and fate.
So let us not despair, but take the leap,
And trust that God will guide us, if we weep.

SALOMEEA ROMANESCU is a doctor in International Relations and European Integration History – European Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries and Postgraduate European Studies – International Center for European Formation (CIFE), Nice, France and the Department of Politics, Science and European Affairs at the University of Cologne, Germany. She has a European Master’s degree in Human Rights and Democratization – Human Rights and Democratization Process from the University of Padova. She is interested in conflict resolution and peacebuilding for minority representatives and indigenous peoples, UNITER Geneva, UN, Landegg Academy, Switzerland, and has studied 24 foreign languages, including Sanskrit and Hindi – through studies at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France, and the University of Bucharest. She is interested in creating a new integrative theory of knowledge that brings together natural, social, applied sciences, worldviews, and ethics, leading to the creation of an international system that creates peace through literary works dedicated to the theory of everything, as well as through a thesis on Postgraduate Academic Studies in International Relations and European Integration, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, and studies on spirituality and quantum medicine, in preparing leaders of the global spiritual-informational elite, cosmomanism, cosmology, history of religions. Her theory is applied in her poetic work as well as in her profession as a Business Advisor, Training Coordinator and Trainer Trainer in the field of structural instruments management and European affairs, Ministry of Public Finance, Ministry of European Integration. She was a school inspector at the Ministry of National Education. She has published Poems for Children – Poems for Children, philosophical poetry in numerous anthologies with philosophical poetry awarded first place nationally and internationally. The poem of humanity’s healing encrypts the Theory of Everything, capable of secreting a peaceful and integrated societal model of earthly spiritual happiness. Her work “Unicosul sunt Eu” was awarded at the

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