Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas

I Confess That
I confess that I am a dreamer,
that I walk with birds in my head,
I believe in a new world
and in fairies, princes and high stars.
I confess that more than once I have fallen in love,
and crazy happy I have sung.
I also confess that as a child I have woven one mischief or another,
in adolescence
I have jumped out of my bedroom window so I can go to a party with my friends.
I confess that once I wanted to be a nun
but my mother's screams stopped me.
I confess that I hate injustice and discrimination.
I like simple people with a good heart.
I confess that I believe in heaven and hell.
That I like everything perfect, although I make many mistakes,
I always try to do things better and better.
I confess that I love silence;
it is my creative abode.
I confess that I like cats,
and also the ice creams
the good friends
and contemplate nature.
and that I am a sensitive and passionate flower,
I confess that I believe in man
although many times it disappoints me,
I confess, moreover
that I would like to die
embracing my verses and with jovial revelry;
life has been and is always for me,
a beautiful generous fairy.
I Confess You Beloved
I confess to you, beloved, 

that despite time I have not forgotten you,
that your kisses still paint my lips
like red apple trees
I confess that in other arms I have not found,
that lap of pigeons to which you had me accustomed.
I confess that I have not loved anyone
like you,
I didn't tell anyone
So much wool in love!
I confess that I dream of you
I miss you and I love you.
I confess that you are the only man
than every soul I have given.
I confess that I am desperate
I need the warmth of your flame
of the tenderness of your flowers and their ranges.
And I must confess too
that without you my life
I'm worth nothing!

I Confess
I confess love
that in the burrow of my verses does not live
better carnation than you,
that the nights are airplanes
without fuel, without you.
May your memory fly over my bell towers
that there is no other sun more beautiful than you.
I also confess
That I've never loved anyone but you
what's in my trunk
just breathe your fragrance.
I confess
that I need you,
I couldn't live happily without you.
I confess
that my cats meow for you,
that you are the only owner of my garden,
that my life without you
it's dust and nothing.

Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas: A Peruvian poet and writer born in Lima, studied Language and Literature at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University and Law at the San Martín De Porres University in Lima. She runs her own poetry pages and her Facebook groups. She has received numerous distinctions in the poetic groups of Facebook, Google, Mundo Poesía España, OME (World Organization of Writers), SVAI (Venezuelan Society of International Art) Versos compartidos, Parnassus, Tierra de Poetas, Aires de libertad. She received from the Hispana publishing house the mention among the hundred best writers of Ibero-America and the Caribbean, winner of the first Jotabé rhyming poems festival for peace in Argentina. She received an honorable mention at Jotabé Ecuador 2020. She won seventh place in the Peruvian poetry contest organized by the Antenor Orrego group

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